LIFE COACHING is an evocative and transformative process that is designed to support clients in moving forward powerfully in their lives, by providing them with the tools to discover and achieve what they most want, and by utilizing the powers of intention and choice. The coach-client partnership provides a mirror for clients to look inward, and focuses on allowing them to discover and embrace who they are at their core, to find their strengths, to reignite their passions, to shed light and provide new perspectives on what is blocking them, to break down old patterns and move past limiting thoughts and ideas.
At Power for Life, our practice of coaching is based on an assumption that our clients are whole, creative and resourceful; they are not broken, they don’t need to be fixed; they have their own answers. Inspiration and motivation may just be buried behind old fears and habits, where they are temporarily inaccessible and obscured from view. Coaching supports clients in revealing the answers that are already there.
ONTOLOGICAL COACHING is the type of coaching utilized at Power for Life. Ontology has a basis in the philosophical study of the nature of BEING, which provides a foundation for the process of inquiry and transformation. It is based on a premise that who we are Being in the world is much more significant in informing our actions and our path than what we are Doing. The types of insights and transformations that result from this place of Being (i.e. looking at who we really are, and who we want to be) are much more powerful and permanent than simply looking at and changing surface behaviours and habits.
- Is there a gap between who you are and who you want to be?
- How are you planning to make a difference in the world?
- Is there something that you always wanted to achieve that you haven't?
- What do you think is stopping you from creating it in your life right now?
- What would be possible if you could move whatever is blocking you out of the way?
WELL BEING is one of the foundations of ontological coaching. In our busy lives, we often reach a point where we are constantly expending energy - on output all the time, and forget that we also have to give back energy to ourselves and "fill our own tank" to maintain balance. Clients will be supported in maintaining their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being as a means to support themselves in moving forward powerfully in their lives and with each of their stated goals.
PROJECTS designed by the client establish measurable goals with a predetermined timeline ("what by when") and provide a structure for the coaching. The client's movement towards measurable goals is intended to bring their objections, blocks, challenges and areas for growth to the surface. This provides opportunities for both coach and client to notice, examine, break down and move past (in a permanent way) the limitations that typically confront, slow or stop the client from achieving their goals. Without motion towards a goal, the client may remain in a holding pattern, where they are comfortable, but where these challenges and opportunities for growth and transformation are not revealed.
